What better way to leave a lasting legacy of your time at Ermysted’s by sponsoring one of the prizes awarded on Speech Day each year?

We are looking for individuals or families to support the awarding of prizes. In return for a one-off donation of £250, your name will be attached to your chosen prize for the next 10 years and awarded at Speech Day each July.

You can choose how your prize is styled – for example The John Smith Mathematics Prize or The Smith Family Computing Prize.

If you would like to sponsor one of the prizes please visit the Shop and purchase the item named ‘Sponsor a Speech Day Prize for 10 years‘ (or ‘add to basket’ below) then complete your purchase. Once payment has been received, we will be in touch with you to confirm which prize you would like to sponsor and agree its name. Payment can be made via the PayPal option with a debit or credit card (no login required), or you can select the option to pay by Bank Transfer and we will give you BACS details to use.

If you would like to contact us before making your donation to discuss the prize sponsorship further please email info@ermystedsoldboys.co.uk or call us on 01756 880085.

Sponsor a Speech Day Prize for 10 years


Please indicate which prize(s) you wish to sponsor by adding a note to your order at the checkout stage.**PLEASE NOTE: Sponsorships purchased will run from Speech Day in July 2025 for 10 years.**

SKU: prize-sponsorship

Below you will find the available prizes to sponsor for the Lower School, Middle School and Sixth Form:

Lower School prizes
Biology PrizeAvailable
Computing PrizeSOLD
Design and Technology PrizeAvailable
Food and Nutrition PrizeAvailable
History PrizeSOLD
Mathematics PrizeAvailable
PE PrizeAvailable
Physics PrizeAvailable
Religious Studies PrizeAvailable
Middle school prizes
Biology PrizeAvailable
Chemistry PrizeSOLD
Computing PrizeAvailable
Design & Technology PrizeAvailable
Food & Nutrition PrizeAvailable
History PrizeAvailable
Mathematics PrizeAvailable
PE PrizeAvailable
Physics PrizeAvailable
Religious Studies PrizeAvailable
Sixth Form prizes
Senior Art PrizeAvailable
Senior Biology PrizeSOLD
Senior Computing PrizeSOLD
Senior Design & Technology PrizeSOLD
Senior Economics PrizeSOLD
Senior Geography PrizeAvailable
Senior History PrizeAvailable
Senior Latin PrizeSOLD
Senior Mathematics PrizeSOLD
Senior Further Maths PrizeSOLD
Senior Music PrizeSOLD
Senior PE PrizeAvailable
Senior Physics PrizeAvailable
Senior Politics PrizeSOLD
Senior Religious Studies PrizeAvailable
General Efficiency PrizeAvailable
Cricket PrizeSOLD
Senior Football PrizeAvailable
Senior Linguistics PrizeSOLD
Journalism PrizeSOLD
Drama PrizeSOLD